
Workshop on Accreditation of Science and Technology Parks and Incubators

Because of the importance of innovative organizations in economic development, many developed countries have tried to enhance the role of these organizations in their countries and develop their components quantitatively and qualitatively.

Workshop on Accreditation of Science and Technology Parks and Incubators

Because of the importance of innovative organizations in economic development, many developed countries have tried to enhance the role of these organizations in their countries and develop their components quantitatively and qualitatively. One of the important issues for the stakeholders of innovative organizations, including, public and private sector investors, knowledge-based companies, and universities and research centers, is to ensure their successful operation and the fulfillment of their goals and needs according to the relevant development plans.

Therefore, periodically evaluating the performance of technology parks as the most significant innovation organization and examining issues related to ranking to optimize their processes, structures, functions, and consequences can answer some of their concerns. Therefore, because of the importance of this issue, a workshop is going to be held on the 15th of May in Tehran University Science and Technology Park. Participation in this workshop is open to the public, but regarding content and materials that are analyzed and reviewed, participation is suggested to science and technology parks, incubators, universities, governing organizations, research institutes and research centers, innovation centers, and factories. In the following the axes of the workshop are presented:

• The expectations of the innovation system and the performance of governing institutions in the development of the innovation and technology ecosystem

• The presentation of national and international evaluation models of the performance of technology parks

• Evaluation and pathology of the business environment in the performance of technology parks

• Explaining the role of periodical evaluation in improving the performance of technology parks

• Presentation of successful evaluation models in other countries

STPIA expects that the criteria for determining the successful performance and the indicators for measuring the performance of technology parks will be obtained based on the output of the held panels and workshops.