
International Workshop "Accreditation of Science Parks and Incubators"

The international workshop "Accreditation of Science Parks and Incubators" was held on May 15, 2024, at the Science and Technology Park of Tehran University with more than 150 participants, including STPIA members, IASP staff, and people from Muscat Technology Center.

International Workshop "Accreditation of Science Parks and Incubators"

The international workshop "Accreditation of Science Parks and Incubators" was held on May 15, 2024, at the Science and Technology Park of Tehran University with more than 150 participants, including STPIA members, IASP staff, and people from Muscat Technology Center.

In the opening panel, Ali Motamedzadegan, the chairman of STPIA, Zahra Mohammad Hashemi, the deputy of the technology infrastructure development office, and Iraj Alahdadi, the deputy of technology development in Science and Technology Park of Tehran University were present, while welcoming the guests, the workshop's objectives were discussed, and the importance of evaluating the performance of innovation organizations in improving their progress was emphasized. In the following, Dr. Ali Motamedzadegan gave explanations in English about the objectives, programs and missions of the association.The first panel started with the speeches of Hossein Al-Mahmoudi, Luis Sanz, and Sasha Wunsch Vincent with the facilitation of Mostafa Karimian Iqbal who presented their content and important points regarding the evaluation and ranking of science and technology parks.First, Hossein Al Mahmoudi, the head of the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) division in IASP, pointed out the impact of this division's role in creating communication in the IASP organization, and further emphasized the importance of the concept of evaluation in the performance of all innovation organizations in the world, saying that through evaluation, organizations can achieve a standard evaluation structure to use that structure for their growth and development.Then Luis from IASP talked about the promotion of the organization's brand as an advantage of membership in associations and added: that what is important is the credibility of the institution that performs the evaluation process; Sometimes only the certificate is exchanged between the assessor and the assesses, or sometimes the assessment is not comprehensive and only has a local or regional aspect.

The morning panel ended with the speech of Sasha Wunsch Vincent from WIPO and GII who spoke about the future of innovation and the important role of megatrends in today's world. He gave explanations in the continuation of the 2023 global innovation index report and its seven main pillars, which consist of two main components, innovation input, and innovation output indicators then Iran's position in GII 2023 was investigated and analyzed in full detail.In the afternoon panel or other words, experience transfer panel workshop; experts from Iran discussed the following topics:

1: Statement of the purpose of evaluation and validation for organizations

2: Validity of the evaluating organization

3. The transparency of the measurement process

4. Correct use of evaluation results

5. Having a regional view of validation

6. Use of internal to the organization's assessment method

7. Using the necessary guide for evaluation indicators

8. Evaluation in a certain period

In the ending panel, Dr. Motamedzadegan, the chairman of STPIA appreciated the members of the panels and participants and finally, the audience expressed their opinions and suggestions about this workshop.